Monday, June 29, 2009

Corny Family video

Graham finally comes home for a visit from projectgfs on Vimeo.

This was taken with that little flip mino hd I was holding the entire time I was home. I arrived in Orlando then rode with my cousin to asheville NC then to Winston Salem nc then to Greenville nc then to elizabeth city nc then to norfolk va where I flew back to Orlando with enough time to pick up a few supplies before I headed home to Costa Rica.. Was all the driving worth it? Hell yea! I love my family!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

june then july

After a quick 10 day trip back home I am happy to say I have returned to my house in Playa Pelada and all is well. I am putting together a cool little family video I made of the trip in the next few days.... It's nice to be back in the water.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Playa Pelada 6-5-2009

Surf was up at our beach today. 5 minutes away in Guiones it's double over head and closing out. This is when Pelada heats up. Above is a local Tico Shredder

We even allow Gringos at our beach. Here is Erik from Surfingnosara with a nice little one

Alfredo is probably the king of this peak.

Alfredo on another chest high gem.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Beddings and Wutterflys

These crafts are made by the Nicas. I sent one to my brother with my cousin Nathan about a year ago and he has yet to give it to him. Well Clay this is what the pot looks like so enjoy the picture because evidently that is all you're getting!

Please stop with the gay sunset pictures Graham!!! NEVER!!! I will always be a sunset whore!!! Another shot of Pelada at sunset which hardly does the area justice.

We had another wedding yesterday at sunset which probably makes 4 in the last 30 days. So if you're thinking about marrying someone, book a trip to Nosara and take care of business.. If only it was that simple :) above is the happy couple from Orlando, Florida.

This ugly bastard was sitting on my hammock. Who the hell does he think he is? Stupid butterfly I got my eye on you!!!