After reading the "Tao of Pooh" one can't help but go outside and shoot pictures of flowers and birds. This of course, was before my morning cup of super strong cafe. When the coffee gets in my system it's all A.D.D. from there. No time to shoo pretty little flowers and Birdies. "Que Bonita Dia!" That is what I said to someone this morning.

What a beautiful day indeed. The humming birds were too fast from one angle to stop the wings so I shot from another. Only way to get it frozen was to shoot really high shutter which made the shot dark... DAMN YOU HUMMING BIRDS!! Always screwing my day up.. (coffee has since kicked in) To my family who reads my blog, To my friends who read my blog, To people I don't know who read my blog, and to the bill collector trying to figure out where I live reading my blog, HAVE A WONDER DAY!!!