It's been a while but I'm still kicking and bitching as usual. Nothing really that excitingly different here in Costa Rica other than the weather being weird as shit. Rainy season started stopped kinda started then offshores started blowing to set us back into total confusion. If the world's going to end in 2012 then we better get some things done!
Got married, love my wife, love my dog, love my life. Hate greedy gringos living in Costa Rica that invade a culture and try to turn it into what they think is a perfect society. ... For god's sake my thoughts on this matter will never change, so please stop trying.
I spend every day making videos and sometimes I get to do photography. Did I mention how much I love taking photos? I never thought I would find a job that I enjoy until now.
Give me my surfboard, camera, and computer and I will figure out how to make a living or at least die trying!!!!
Enjoy the night, it's my birthday !