It's bad enough having to worry about Sharks and dodging Gringos in the water but lately I have had my eyes open for something I never would have thought in a million years I would be surfing with, a yellow belly sea snake. My friend yelled at me the other day that there was one in the water and i kinda laughed. Then I got home and asked my friend and she did some research and found that yes indeed we have yellow bellly buddies surfing with us. Even better these snakes are part of the Cobra family and considered to be 10xs more venomous than any land snake. A full dose of venom will be fatal but on a brighter note they rarely strike unless it's defense and even so then they do not usually release venom. They have a paddle for a tail used for swimming and spend the majority of their life in the ocean. If you see one beached it is probably close to death.
Last night after a chest high glassy session I was walking back and what did i see? A yellow belly sea snake laying on the beach. He was still alive. I showed an old lady and she grabbed her husband who had been surfing and he picked the damn thing up and threw him back in the water. Wonder what would have happened it would have bit him?
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