So imagine you're horseback riding in the USA. It would consist of large groups and horses so old that if they even thought about a gallop, it would mean heart failure. The pure thought of something happening outside the "Bubble Norm" would result in lawsuits and business downfall.
Now I bring you to my world. A small ranch outside of Arenal and San Carlos, CR where my Fiance's sister has managed to yet again give us something memorable. We were given our horses and told to follow. Having not been on a horse in years I said what the hell. Twenty minutes later we were all in full gallops and racing through the valleys. Never ending views of mountains and stream in the horizon as we raced to an imaginary finish line. There were four of us and an instructor.
It was one of the most amazing days until reality settled in. As I passed my Fiance and her sister I was victorious in my own head. But wait, Francela's horse is fiercely approaching and takes the lead. A closer look reveals there is no longer Francela riding the horse as the saddle bounces sideways falling to the ground. As I look back I notice she has fallen and appears to be in a daze. As I approach her I notice she is covered in mud as the giant mud pit at the bottom of the valley seemed to have broken her fall. Trying not to cry she says she's alright but I know from the speeds we were traveling that there was no way in hell she didn't take a beating. A small kiss to tell her I am sorry, as I reached for my camera and captured these photos below. Moral to the story is don't run horses downhill, value life everyday, and if you break out a camera it makes everything better! Enjoy the day.

Two days later I took a ride in this thing to finish a video job . I have flown lots in my life. Small and large plans but never like this. Feet above the ocean at about 100mph racing through the waves is enough to give anyone a hard on. It was the smoothest flight of my life. The German pilot seemed to be able to fly in his sleep.

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