Every day she is covered in blood from something. I don't ask questions though. I am trying to find the word for COSTA RICAN BAD ASS! Cause that's what she is...
I was informed that on certain occasions Swindell family members stop by to read what kind of crap I am getting into. Thanks for reading these pointless blogs. I guess in the future I will try to make them more exciting. I was under the impression that my mother was the only one who ever read them and that was out of obligation…
So with that said, LARRY SWINDELL send me some pictures of my grandfather if you have any. Swiney only has 1 in the house.
And to the emails I get from people coming to the area. I have all the time in the world to answer area questions. It rains a lot now and in October it will not stop, so I am trapped in this house because my little scooter gets hard to drive in it.
~ Thunder= TRUENO
~Rain = LLUVIA “ Rains hard, Very hard, and when you think it couldn’t possibly rain any harder. It rains harder!!!!
I have found god many times at night during storms here! HAR HAR!
Also, The noises you hear at night are GEIKOS not birds and boy are they annoying.
I am not your mother...I can be though..."news flash" if you only knew of all the people (mainly women and old ones) that read your blog :) :)
We love your blog, keep it up. I am from Peru/Palestine (as you can tell in the accent...)and love to travel, have not being to Costa Rica yet. Try to go to Antigua in Guatemala and go to the active volcano...no rules to climb it.
Si alguna vez quieres ir a Peru, dime para ponerte en contacto con gente buena.
Cuidate y sigue pasandola bien, tu mami te manda saludos...JZG
This is not your mother....I can be though...
I work with your mom, and "news flash" more than just your mom looks and reads you blog. We love it, specially me. I am from Peru / Palestine and love to travel, have not made it to Costa Rica yet, so keep up with the blog. cuidate y sigue pasandola bien. Trata de visitar Antigua en Guatemala....
Sorry about the dobles, we did not know what we were doing....
PerĂº en Enero o Febrero !¡Soy muy emocionado!
JZG aka DOG! Where does your family live in Peru? My goal is to drive there next year from here.
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