Tuesday, July 28, 2009


A good deal of my life has been spent listening and playing music. While most people tend to cater towards one particular genre, I always tried to keep my mind open. It's safe to say I love all music but I have always had the best memories flashing back to Punk. Punk Rock was my teens and twenties. I played drums in a punk band for a couple of years. If i could have adapted to the life of late night in clubs and being drunk that would have been for me. Instead surfing, like always, won the contest.. Whatever,,, The reason I am saying this is because last night I sat down and had a glass of vino and youtubed a bunch of old punk bands I use to listen to. I stumbled upon these guys who are members of Lagwagon and MeFirstandtheGimmeGimmes. I was so sad to Learn the drummer took his life a couple of years back. He was one of my favorites.. Hats off to you guys!!! This is one of the songs that everyone listened to by nofx. BadAstronaut has redone it.

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